Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Dream Talk

So, I keep getting this inspiration from dreams. Which, yeah, I know, isn't that rare. Writers get inspiration from dreams all the time! It just doesn't happen to me too often, because either a) I don't remember my dreams, b) my dreams are stressful and I don't want to remember my dreams, or c) they're really damn boring.

But there's one dream I've had that's popped up about three times that's none of the above. Well, not really one dream, but it's from the same world, I guess? At any rate, when I wake up, my first thought is, "Oh man, that dream was awesome! I need to write it down so I can work it into something and write that award-winning novel right now." So I grab a pen or pencil and the notebook that I always keep by the side of my bed (or sometimes just another book, I've written ideas on lots of things I really shouldn't be writing on) and start writing and writing... until I realize that I don't know how to use this idea. You would think that after three dreams with this idea, I would start to get a handle on what's causing all the action I see in my dream, but nope, not a clue.

It doesn't help that the idea I have bears a slight resemblance to a kind of iconic work. The first dream I had while I was reading this book, so I blamed it on that, but I wasn't even a huge fan of this book. I don't know why I would still be even thinking about it around seven or eight months later and it would have any kind of effect on my dreams. So... I don't know. I don't know what I'm going to do with this. I'll have to think more.

In other news, Camp NaNoWriMo. I want to do it, but I don't know if it's a good idea. I thought there was going to be a year-round aspect to it, not two summer sessions (though it does make sense to limit it to certain  months so everyone can get all jazzed up about it, not let it fall apart like all those NaNo-inspired communities and sites for year-round novel-writing, or editing or finishing your NaNo) and July and August are going to be busy for me. In July, I'm leaving town for ten days, and then shortly thereafter I'm moving, so August is going to be filled up with moving, finding jobs (if I haven't found one already), and starting school, and I won't have my NaNo buddies around. It just wouldn't be smart.

But, then again, isn't that what NaNo is kind of all about? There is no perfect time to write a novel, so it's a way to force us to accept our fate of being busier than hell and eke out some time to write. Plus, I've always been able to excel at the 50k thing when there's a clock ticking, so I might be able to get to 50k before I even leave for Vegas in July, or between moving and starting school in August.


I still need to figure out what I'm doing. Aaaagh!

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